"Nero" AM CAN CH Vanderbilt's Habanero Pepper (Tonka x Chili)
(click the image to enlarge the slide show)

Nero's info:
Eyes : clear + gonio
FEH: Noncarrier clear by parentage
Titles: CAN CH, AM CH
Link to Nero's pedigree.

Nero began showing with multiple Best Baby Puppy in Show wins right out of the gate. At 6 months and a couple of days he went to the big Philadelphia shows and pick up 4 consecutive majors from the 6-9 puppy class, then multiple RWD wins to his Danish cousin "Power" at the Orlando / AKC National Championship weekend handled beautifully by Sydney Robinson to all of these wins. We brought him out to OH shows in January to get the single points he needed to become an American Champion. For his Canadian Championship, Nero has picked up multiple Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Group awards. A nonstop showman, Nero is a reincarnation of his grandfather "Gambler". Nero will stay home a bit to grow up, but with his X-Factor personality he'll be chomping at the bit to get out to show off again real soon!
More Nero!